Vol. 18, No. 1, 2017

Periodicals – LEBANESE SCIENCE JOURNAL Vol.18, No.1, 2017


Environmental, Agriculture and Food Sciences

Proposition d’un modèle d’organisation pour une gestion intégrée de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, dans ses trois dimensions : technique, humaine et organisationnelle, à l’échelle libanaise.
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Dynamique spatio-temporelle de Planococcus ficus (Signoret, 1875) dans les vignobles de la Mitidja (Algeria).
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Economic Benefit of using treated water for irrigation in Bekka Region, Lebanon.
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A GIS-based methodology for drought vulnerability modelling: application at the region of el Hodna, central Algeria.
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Organoleptic and physico-chemical evaluation of capretto baladi goats: a value-added meat alternative in an extensive rearing system.
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Stimulation des défenses naturelles par l’application d’un Lombricompost. Effet sur les paramètres populationnels d’Aphis fabae scop. (Homoptera: Aphididae) et la qualité Phytochimique de la fève.
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Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Comparison between frictional behavior of the soft and brittle materials at different contact pressures.
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Reducing blackouts via wind power, a sparse grid case in Lebanon.
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Histological alterations in Kidney and Liver of laboratory mice following intramuscular injection of Montevipera bornmuelleri (Werner, 1898) Venom.
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A note on optimal estimation in the presence of outliers.
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Social and Economic Sciences

استخدام تكنولوجیا الإستشعارعن بعد في إكتساب الكفایات في مادة الجغرافیا
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