
Lebanese Science Journal (LSJ)

The Lebanese Science journal is a regional refereed open access journal published twice a year by the National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon (CNRS-L). The journal considers submissions from all over the world, but mostly from the Middle East and North African countries. The journal accepts reviews, original research papers and short communications within the following major scientific disciplines: Medical and public health, agriculture and food sciences, environmental and natural sciences, engineering and technology, basic sciences and economics and social sciences. Only English papers are acceptable for publication.
LSJ is included in the Google Scholar database.


Lebanese Science Journal (LSJ)

ISSN: 1561 – 3410 (Print)
ISSN: 2413 – 371X (Electronic)

Contact related to LSJ is as follows:
National Council for Scientific Research
Address: Zahia Salman Street, Jnah | P.O.Box 11-8281, Riad El Solh 1107 2260, Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +961.1.840260, Ext. 316
Fax: +961.1.822842
E-mail: lsj@cnrs.edu.lb or journal@cnrs.edu.lb

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