Vol. 20, No. 1, 2019

Periodicals – LEBANESE SCIENCE JOURNAL Vol. 20, No.1, 2019


Environmental, Agriculture and Food Sciences

Bioactivité des extraits foliaires de Ruta Chalepensis l. (rutaceae) sur la mortalité des larves de Culiseta Longiareolata (diptera, culicidae)
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Evaluation de la qualité des eaux de surface de la rivière Kadicha.
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Taxonomy and antimicrobial activity of streptosporangium strain SG163 isolated from a Saharan soil.
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Effet insecticide des extraits aqueux d’Euphorbia Guyoniana (Euphorbiaceae) récoltée dans Oued Sebseb (Sahara algérien) sur le Tribolium Castaneum.
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Evaluation du potentiel productif des exploitations agricoles dans les monts de Tlemcen (nord-ouest de l’Algérie.
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Performance of overwinter cover crops in coastal Lebanon.
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Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology

On intersection graph of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules of a module.
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Numerical computation of thermoelectric effiency of graphite sheet optimal dimension.
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Development of a novel second-hand smoke reduction device.
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Occupational noise and blood pressure variation.
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Identification of chemical compositions in some medicinal plants by GC/MS analysis.
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Social and economic Sciences

Empirical analysis of merchandise trade deficit and the current account in Lebanon.
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