Samar Billi Noaman, and Haissam Lakkis
Lebanese Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Industry: Investing in the Pharmaceutical Industry to Promote ExportsFull paper (pdf)
National Council for Scientific Research – Lebanon
Lebanese Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Industry: Investing in the Pharmaceutical Industry to Promote ExportsFull paper (pdf)
Lifestyle Patterns of Patients with Alopecia and Factors Affecting their Willingness to Undergo Treatment: A Cross-Sectional Study Among AdultsFull paper (pdf)
In vivo Neuroprotective Activity of the Chloroform Selective Extract from the Bark of Erythrina senegalensis DC. (Fabaceae) and Characterization of two Isolated PhytoconstituentsFull paper (pdf)
Cognitive Decline and Self Rated Health Among Older Adults in Lebanon.Full paper (pdf)
Place de l’infection nosocomiale dans la morbi-mortalité néonatale “hôpital mère enfant Tlemcen Algérie”. Full paper (pdf)
Hepatitis B virus precore protein modeling: an experience from New Delhi, India Full paper (pdf)
Comparaison du régime alimentaire de l’anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus) et de la sardine (Sardina pilchardus) en Atlantique et en Méditerranée Full paper (pdf)
Evaluating urban expansion using remotely-sensed data in Lebanon Full paper (pdf)
Spring flyways of migrating soaring birds in Akkar/northern Lebanon Full paper (pdf)
Étude de la relation entre le ruissellement, la pluviométrie et l’évaporation des bassins versants de la zone sud de la Méditerranée (cas de l’Algérie) Full paper (pdf)